My Money
- How do I withdraw my money?
- Fees & Penalties for Artificial Streaming
- Priority Payouts with TuneCore Splits
- What forms of payment does TuneCore accept?
- TuneCore Splits
- Using Payoneer
- What is Self-Billing?
- Value Added Tax (VA) Implementation
- What is Streaming Fraud?
- TuneCore & Taxes
- Finding and Understanding My Sales Reports
- When will I Receive my Music Sales Reports?
- Can I release charity/non-profit music through TuneCore?
- Why do I see a negative sale for iTunes on my Monthly Sales Report?
- Trends & Analytics Reports
- How is a daily trend report different from a monthly sales report?
- Does TuneCore report to Luminate/Nielsen Soundscan?
- Does TuneCore automatically pay out mechanical royalties to rights/collection societies?
- What is SoundExchange?