YouSee Musik is a popular streaming platform that gets your music in front of hundreds of thousands of subscribers throughout Denmark. YouSee offers users millions of tracks across all genres, Hi-Fi sound quality at 320 kbit/s, live radio, and playlists for all occasions and moods.
Go Live Time
It takes about 1-2 weeks for content to go live on YouSee Musik and all other retailers powered by TDC.
YouSee Musik Territories (Where your music sells)
YouSee Musik is available in Denmark.
How YouSee Musik Sells Your Music
Does YouSee Musik sell your music via?:
Yes | Yes |
Pay Rate (How Much YouSee Musik Pays You)
Paid Downloads:
Payouts are based on territory-specific rate cards, so for songs downloaded individually in a store, you will be paid the wholesale price of YouSee Musik retail price calculated on terms set out in TuneCore's blanket agreement with the store.
Paid Streams:
When a subscriber streams your music, you get paid a proportionate share of YouSee Musik subscription revenue per month calculated on terms set out in TuneCore's blanket agreement with the store (this usually excludes streams during a subscriber's free trial). Payments will fluctuate each month, depending on the amount of subscription revenue generated and how often your music was streamed.