Zvuk is an independent Russian streaming service available for iOS, Android and by web at Zvuk.com The service helps millions of users to find the right music for any moment. Thousands of playlists curated by music experts and local celebrities, and geo-based smart recommendations.
Go Live Time
It takes 1-2 weeks for content to go live in Zvuk.
Zvuk Territories (Where Music Sells)
Zvuk is available in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
How Zvuk Sells Your Music
DoesZ vuk sell your music via?:
No | Yes |
Pay Rate (How Much Zvuk Pays You)
Zvuk pays out quarterly.
Paid Streams:
When a subscriber streams your music, you get paid a proportionate share of Zvuk's subscription revenue per month calculated on terms set out in TuneCore's blanket agreement with the store (this usually excludes streams during a subscriber's free trial). Payments will fluctuate each month, depending on the amount of subscription revenue generated and how often your music was streamed.